Have you ever heard of SavingStar, uPromise or Cellfire? I was clueless they existed up until a few years ago. These are eCoupon sites! What the heck is an eCoupon? An eCoupon is an electronic coupon that you would load to your Grocery Loyalty Card. How to use eCoupons? Sign up … [Read more...]
Savings.com Printables
This post may contain affiliate links that help support this website at no cost to you.Set up a Free Savings.com account today and start saving even more money! … [Read more...]
Where to Get Coupons: Printable & Promotional
This post may contain affiliate links that help support this website at no cost to you.I am always getting asked, "Where can I get coupons?" and "Where can I print coupons from that's not a fake site?". There are a few main sites 90% of couponers use to 'print money'. Let's go over a few things before you run off and get print happy. Did you know … [Read more...]
10 Items to Buy at Dollar Tree VS Walmart
This post may contain affiliate links that help support this website at no cost to you.Do you have a Dollar Tree nearby? Do you shop there? If not, you could be missing out on serious savings! While it’s true that some items are cheaper at Walmart than they are at Dollar Tree, there are quite a few things that you should actually try to always buy at Dollar Tree vs … [Read more...]
50 Most Commonly Used Coupon Lingo
This post may contain affiliate links that help support this website at no cost to you.The couponing world has its own language we call the coupon lingo. If you have been in the couponing world for any amount of time you know that there is some serious learning to do to understand what it is all about. How to even start couponing, how to organize your coupons, … [Read more...]