Have you ever heard of SavingStar, uPromise or Cellfire? I was clueless they existed up until a few years ago. These are eCoupon sites! What the heck is an eCoupon? An eCoupon is an electronic coupon that you would load to your Grocery Loyalty Card. How to use eCoupons? Sign up with the sites below and use your store loyalty cards to earn your coupon values. Not all grocery stores with Loyalty Card Programs participate in these however so you would want to check the list of participating stores for each site specifically. They are also, 90% of the time, a one time use coupon.
Let’s break these down and talk about each so you can get a better idea of what they are and how to use eCoupons.
How to use eCoupons
uPromise – Founded on the sole purpose of assisting with the costs of College Education, uPromise offers a percentage of your total purchase back in an online account. From this account you can choose to send a payment to a Student Loan account, open a 529 Plan and transfer the funds to it or simply cash it out in the form of a check to assist with book costs, ect. One of the simplest ways to assist with yours or your family’s college education and its FREE to join!
Cellfire – The largest digital coupon provider in the world. Partnering with more than 17,500 retailers nationwide. Once you join for free you can instantly load eCoupons to your loyalty cards. Just link your Store cards with Cellfire and click the offers you want. They also have a smartphone app that you can download to add offers to your cards while on the go.
SavingStar – MY FAVORITE (However uPromise is right up there in the ranks as well)! Providing exclusive offers redeemable at over 58,000 locations nationwide, SavingStar is an eco-friendly way to save money. Simply get a free account, link your rewards cards and click the offers you want to participate in. They have a new Healthy Offer every Tuesday and a Free Item Coupon every Friday. When you redeem an offer the coupon value goes into your SavingStar account. Once your account reaches a whopping $5 (super simple to do) you can withdraw it a number of different ways. Gift Cards, Paypal, and Amazon are a few options. They also have a Cash Back Mall to earn a percentage of your purchases via online shopping thru their participating stores.
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